
Bonneau Anna (1906-1920)* ref.397

Year of birth in : Born in August 23th, 1906, in Bonneauville, 12miles east of Willow Bunch,Saskatchewan

Year of death in : May 21st, 1920

Mother name :Vaudry Marie-Louise

Texte found in the archives of The Ralliement des familles Bonneau



Word of Mouth

Newspaper Clippings

Anna Marie-Louise Bonneau, daughter of Trèfflé Bonneau and Marie-Louise Vaudry, was born on August 23, 1906, in Bonneauville, 1½ miles east of Willow Bunch Sask. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes, and though quite tall for her age, was indeed a pretty young lady. Anna had a charming unassuming personality, and she was always willing to help others, especially her mother (so far as a child can) no matter the task at hand.

Her childhood, from all appearances, was spent at home, save the last year of the great war of 1914 thru 1918. At that time, her mother's health had become rather fragile due to the circumstances of the day, therefore Anna and her younger sister, Albertine, were sent to board at the Sacred Heart Convent in Willow Bunch. Her older sister, Antoinette, was also a boarder there at that time.

Apparently the three sisters had adapted quite nicely (though reluctantly) to life in the convent, and their studies were progressing very well. Off hours, it seems, went by rather quickly as each boarder was expected to do their part in helping clean the convent, and each was given a specific assignment in the cleaning department.

Unfortunately, due to a sad twist of fate, early in the year 1920 Anna, who's health was known to be fragile, was diagnosed as having tuberculosis. From that time on, her health progressively and visibly deteriorated. Finally, after having attained the young age of 13 years, 8 months and 28 days, Marie-Louise-Anna Bonneau passed away on the 21st day of May, 1920. It was truly a sorrowful day for the whole family, as it is always doubly difficult to lose one so young!

Though her life in this world may have been short, Anna, who was a very likable and cherished child, did what she could in the little time that she had, to bring a little joy to everyone who knew her. She will always be especially sadly missed and always remembered by her brothers and sisters. And, amazing as it may seem to those of us who live in this day and age, even for us her memory lingers on!

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